Future programmers, founders of world-famous technology companies, great specialists with the prefix cyber-, space explorers, engineers, radio physicists study here.
TUSUR is the youngest of the Tomsk universities, but it has never been in the shadows.
Russia's first student business incubator "Дружба" was opened here. All kinds of competitions and start-up weeks are held in the business incubator almost every month, so active students have a great chance to get mentors' support and even funding for their innovative ideas!
Did you know that on Radio Day, May 7, TUSUR students have a tradition of throwing away non-working equipment: every year non-working TVs, radios, displays and computers fly from the windows of the hostel.
But do not worry, since all of that is then recycled. These are not just pranks, but a commemoration of the victory of technological progress.
If you want to engage in high-tech development and create an innovative future, then explore the university in Metaverse, and then join the university squad in real life!